Make a one time donation
to Buck 4 Life Matters
With Covid-19 currently putting added stress on our prison system, a program to release certain people from prison has been put in place. And now, more than any time in our lifetimes, the people walking out of those prisons truly do need your help.
Please help with a donation to Buck 4 Life Matters, mental health support campaign. Use the PayPal button on the upper left to make a subscription; even a donation of $5 a month makes a difference. And if you can help with more, we would appreciate any amount by using the PayPal button on the upper right. It helps to make our communities a better place for us all.
The KNOW Corporation and its Buck 4 Life Matters campaign is working to help people in California who have recently been released from prison. Focusing on mental health issues, KNOW Corporation is trying to break the cycle of recidivism, and open the doors from Prison to Employment. P2E as it is known, is a movement to empower people leaving prison who are making an honest effort to be part of our communities. KNOW is working with the Greater Sacramento Urban League, the Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council, the Sacramento Employment & Training Agency i.e. SETA, and the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. United and together we shall create opportunities that reverses and stop generational cure from substance abuse yet provide sound support systems that will address their mental health problems. “EACH ONE TEACH ONE” Amen!
Please give today. We appreciate your help in this important mission.
Les Roberson, CEO & Founder