Under the current pandemic, it may be difficult for the under-served population to reach out for help. Please aid us in disseminating resource information by sharing the information below for the Sacramento region.

Contact Know for Mental Health issues at 916-215-8610.

Phone numbers are listed below, but if click on a logo, you will be redirected to their website.

Help KNOW feed and heal our community with a donation using the PayPal Donate Button.
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Calvary Christian Center is helping the community with food delivery, prescription pick-up for seniors, counseling, grieving, and prayer.
Call 888-520-0524
The Center for Disease Control is the best place to seek information for Covid-19. Remember to wash your hands frequently and maintain social distancing to keep everyone safe.
If you or your loved ones are facing a suicide crisis, reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline for confidential emotional support.
Call 1-800-273-8255
The Domestic Violence Hotline provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to empower victims and survivors to find safety and live free of abuse.
Call 1-800-799-7233